
About the WIB
At the local level, the Workforce Investment Board of Tulare County (WIB) is responsible for using Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) funds to connect Tulare County job seekers to employment and training opportunities. This is done through Employment Connection Centers, the youth@work program, and other special grants and projects.
What Drives Us?
Our goal at the WIB is to bridge the gap between job seekers and employers. We accomplish this by incorporating our Theory of Change into every project, program, grant, and initiative we work on.
THE ISSUE: Too many people are unemployed or in low-wage jobs that don't sustain their families, and too many businesses have high-quality jobs that go unfilled.

What is the Workforce Innovation & Opportunities Act (WIOA)?
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act (WIOA) is a landmark piece of legislation designed to help people attain economic self-sufficiency, while giving employers opportunities to train, hire, and retain workers. WIOA strengthens and improves our nation's public workforce system and helps Americans, including young adults and those with significant barriers to employment, into high-quality jobs and careers and helps employers hire and retain skilled workers. WIOA funding is allocated through the US Department of Labor to the State Workforce Board and then to local Workforce Boards.
Who we serve?
The WIB provides valuable career services to the residents of Tulare County through strategic investments of WIOA Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth funding. Additionally, the WIB invests non-WIOA grant funds to provide increased support to residents who face barriers to employment including, disabilities, justice involved, homeless, English language learners, etc.
Job seekers receive services at the four Employment Connection Centers and the youth@work service centers. Job seeker services include:
Career Coaching
Training & Scholarships
Hiring Events and Job Leads
Job Preparation Workshops
The WIB Business Services team provides valuable resources and tools to Tulare County businesses including:
Employee Training
Subsidized Employment
Restructuring and Downsizing Support
Recruitment Assistance
Labor Market Information
Free Human Resources Hotline
What are our Priority Sectors?
​The WIB has identified the following as priority industry sectors using local labor market data: